Category Archives: Beliefs
Written by: Paul Wipf on Saturday, March 29th, 2014
The Lord also said, "Truly I tell you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." (John 3:5) If one is born again he can see the kingdom but he cannot enter it unless he is born of water and the Spirit. We know that no one can really see and truly value the Kingdom of God until he is born again, born from above. (John 3:3, Matthew 13:44-46) And no one can actually enter the Kingdom of God until he has repented of his sins and has his clean heart immersed in the Holy Spirit of God. (John 3:....
Published in: Paul Wipf's Blog
The Nine: Misrepresentation of the Whole
Written by: Carol Maendel on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
My name is Carol Maendel. I am a 26-year-old wife and mother who lives at Forest River Colony near Fordville, North Dakota with 100+ other people. I am a Hutterite. I was married a year ago and moved from my colony to my husband's, as is our custom. Growing up at my small mother colony in Montana, I attended a public school in town, got a driver's license when I was 15 and graduated in 2006 from Roundup High School. I worked at the colony and spent time with my family until I was baptized. I then married and moved to Forest River.
I live, ....
I live, ....
Published in: Carol Maendel's Blog
“I Baptize You in the Name of the Father…”
Written by: Linda Maendel on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

Since God in His grace has been merciful to you and through the death of Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, and the intercession of the Church has forgiven and remitted your sins. May He fill you with the powers from on High and write your name in the Book of Eternal Life. May He keep you as a true Brother/Sister in the Church to serve Jesus until the end, Amen.
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
“Life in a Hutterite Colony” by Donald W. Huffman
Written by: Paul Wipf on Saturday, June 23rd, 2012
ABSTRACT. In this study of the Hutterites, an Anabaptist Protestant sect tracing its roots to 1528, an attempt is made to discover the qualities that have enabled their colonies to survive and thrive in North America. It is found that the Hutterite beliefs of community of goods and self-surrender to the will of God are central factors which explain their long-term survival and the high degree of social cohesion they have achieved. The incentive to work for the common good, which has enabled them to remain economically viabl....
ABSTRACT. In this study of the Hutterites, an Anabaptist Protestant sect tracing its roots to 1528, an attempt is made to discover the qualities that have enabled their colonies to survive and thrive in North America. It is found that the Hutterite beliefs of community of goods and self-surrender to the will of God are central factors which explain their long-term survival and the high degree of social cohesion they have achieved. The incentive to work for the common good, which has enabled them to remain economically viabl....
Published in: Paul Wipf's Blog
Challenges faced by Hutterian Brethren
Written by: Hutterites on Monday, June 4th, 2012
This post is not about King Ranch Colony or our non Hutterite friends. Its about the real challenges that we the Hutterian Brethren are facing today.
Before continuing, I would like to present a qualifier. An interpretation of a people by a person from outside of the group has certain dangers, even if the outsider is sympathetic, as some outsiders most assuredly are. However, I know of the dangers of outside interpretations from reading Hutterite history and sociology. Some interpreters are sympathetic but their reports are still quite skewe....
Before continuing, I would like to present a qualifier. An interpretation of a people by a person from outside of the group has certain dangers, even if the outsider is sympathetic, as some outsiders most assuredly are. However, I know of the dangers of outside interpretations from reading Hutterite history and sociology. Some interpreters are sympathetic but their reports are still quite skewe....
Published in: Hutterites 's Blog