Category Archives: Communal Living
“Where Are You From?”
Written by: Karolyn Hofer on Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

Published in: Karolyn Hofer's Blog
A New Venture
Written by: Paul Wipf on Saturday, August 1st, 2015
Written by Lisa Guenther Writer with Grainews and Country Guide.
Paul Wipf is a Hutterite ambassador of sorts. He has talked about life on Hutterite colonies at Alberta farm shows, he speaks openly to reporters, and he puts time and effort into helping the general public see what it means to be Hutterite.
Wipf is also the farm steward — he doesn’t like the title “farm boss” — on the Viking Colony, about two hours southeast of Edmonton. Typically, Hutterite colonies have a range of ventures, and the Viking Colony, which....
Published in: Paul Wipf's Blog
Written by: Paul Wipf on Monday, November 10th, 2014
[By HANS JAKOB CHRISTOPH GRIMELSHAUSEN] Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen (1621-17 August 1676), author of the famous novel, Der abenteuerliche Simplizissimus, published in 1668. In book V, chapter 19, he gives a remarkable picture of "Hungarian Anabaptists" and their communal way of living, and there can be no doubt that Hutterite colonies in Slovakia are thus portrayed. To him it was almost like Utopia come true.
"Finally I recognize from all my st....
"Finally I recognize from all my st....
Published in: Paul Wipf's Blog
The Nine: Misrepresentation of the Whole
Written by: Carol Maendel on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
My name is Carol Maendel. I am a 26-year-old wife and mother who lives at Forest River Colony near Fordville, North Dakota with 100+ other people. I am a Hutterite. I was married a year ago and moved from my colony to my husband's, as is our custom. Growing up at my small mother colony in Montana, I attended a public school in town, got a driver's license when I was 15 and graduated in 2006 from Roundup High School. I worked at the colony and spent time with my family until I was baptized. I then married and moved to Forest River.
I live, ....
I live, ....
Published in: Carol Maendel's Blog
Glimpses of Hutterite Life
Written by: Paul Wipf on Monday, June 10th, 2013
Reprinted with the permission of Author Dave Hubert
The Hutterian Brethren living on the Great Plains of western North America are much studied but little understood. They come from a history of 400 years of unrelenting persecution, and almost extinction. Their history of steadfastness and perseverance is unique in the annals of Christian history. And while this glorious history lies behind them, the contributions they ....
Published in: Paul Wipf's Blog