Category Archives: History
Living What Our Forefathers Died For
Written by: Linda Maendel on Monday, January 27th, 2014

Thus, Carpe Diem led to a colleague and me receiving a scholarship for a teaching methods course, offered by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education. We’d be studying in Hannover, Germany for ten days, with hotel, food and local transport....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
Part I-Hutterite History Tour 2012
Written by: Jesse Hofer on Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Part I will provide an introduction and brief overview of our tour.
Part II will touch on places and events relating to Jakob Hutter's early life.
Part III will present surprising new details surrounding Jakob's Hutter's arrest and execution.
Part IV will describe a planned Hutterpark in the city of Innsbruck, Tyrol to celebrate the Anabaptist-Hutterite history in the region.
I received an impo....
Published in: Jesse Hofer's Blog
Sentenced to Alkatraz
Written by: Linda Maendel on Sunday, November 11th, 2012
During their stay in the Dakotas, Americans barely noticed the Hutterites, that is, until World War I broke out in 1914. But then they were viewed as foreigners because they spoke German and refused to participate in the war. Nor did they contribute any money towards the financing of the war. Of course, this did not go over well with the English-speaking neighbors, who raided the colonies and stole livestock and supplies to help finance the war.
Since it was compulsory, Hutterites sent their young men to military camps, but they didn’t all....
Since it was compulsory, Hutterites sent their young men to military camps, but they didn’t all....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog