Category Archives: News
Friends and Neighbours Evening 2025
Written by: Julian Waldner on Thursday, January 30th, 2025

Hello Friends, our 2024/2025 Friends and Neighbours Evening video will be going live on Youtube on January 31, at 7:00 PM CST. Tune in for an evening of beautiful music, messages and artwork from your Hutterite friends. I've shared the link the live premiere below. This fourth annual video grew out of a tradition that some Hutterite Communities have of inviting their friends and neighbours for an evening of singing, food and fellowship. When those gatherings became impossible during the Pandemic, we started this online ....
Friends and Neighbours 2023
Written by: Julian Waldner on Monday, December 25th, 2023

Hello Friends, as in previous years, we will be hosting a virtual “Friends and Neighbours Evening” on YouTube. The video will go live on December 28th at 7:00 CST and will feature beautiful music, artwork, and Christmas messages. You can find a link the video below. You might also want to subscribe to the channel Hutterite Christmas Collaboration, where the video will go live. If you ....
Friends and Neighbours 2022
Written by: Julian Waldner on Tuesday, December 20th, 2022

Hello friends, I hope you are having a restful and joyful Christmas celebration with friends and family. Like last year, we would like to share some of our celebration with you! On the 28th of December, we will be streaming an evening of Hutterite choirs, small groups, trios, instrumental pieces, poetry, artwork and Christmas messages. On 7:00 PM CST on that day, you can watch our live premier from the link below.
Friends and Neighbours 2021
Written by: Julian Waldner on Saturday, December 25th, 2021

Hello friends,
Each year around this time, several Hutterite communities across Manitoba will invite their friends and neighbours to their colonies for an evening of music and fellowship. In my own community, Decker Colony, this always takes place on the 27th of December. People start to arrive around 5:00, filling the large lot in front of our colony garage with mini vans and pickup trucks. When our repurposed garage floor--now decked with chairs, carpeting, and a stage--has filled up with people, the evening st....
A prayer for the Anxious
Written by: Louie Vetter on Monday, November 22nd, 2021
O dear Heavenly Father, we come to you on bended knee with aching heart and quivering limbs to ask for your comfort. The worries and uncertainties that come with this broken world could easily overwhelm us if we did not know that you, O Father, know everything, and everything has to go through your approval.
You know the outcome of every day, and not only the outcome of every day, but also the outcome of every one of your children. You alone know the future, and in th....