Category Archives: Outreach
There are None so Blind…
Written by: Linda Maendel on Thursday, October 19th, 2017

For years contact lenses provided me with the good vision I lost due to keratoconus, an eye condition in which the normally dome-shaped cornea progressively thins, causing a cone-like bulge to develop. I’m not sure what caused this disorder, but it could have happened wh....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
The Nine: Misrepresentation of the Whole
Written by: Carol Maendel on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
My name is Carol Maendel. I am a 26-year-old wife and mother who lives at Forest River Colony near Fordville, North Dakota with 100+ other people. I am a Hutterite. I was married a year ago and moved from my colony to my husband's, as is our custom. Growing up at my small mother colony in Montana, I attended a public school in town, got a driver's license when I was 15 and graduated in 2006 from Roundup High School. I worked at the colony and spent time with my family until I was baptized. I then married and moved to Forest River.
I live, ....
I live, ....
Published in: Carol Maendel's Blog
Another View of “American Colony”
Written by: Mark Waldner on Friday, June 1st, 2012
On May 29th, the first of ten episodes of “American Colony: Meet the Hutterites” aired on National Geographic Channel. A film crew spent months filming the King Ranch Hutterite Colony from the Dariusleut branch of Hutterites near Lewistown, Montana.
The online video clips and the episodes are interesting and entertaining, not only for the regular audience of National Geographic, but also for many of the 49 000 Hutterites who live on colonies scattered throughout the plains in the USA and Canada. The trailers, deleted scenes and photos po....
The online video clips and the episodes are interesting and entertaining, not only for the regular audience of National Geographic, but also for many of the 49 000 Hutterites who live on colonies scattered throughout the plains in the USA and Canada. The trailers, deleted scenes and photos po....
Published in: Mark Waldner's Blog
‘God Keep our Land Glorious and Free’
Written by: Linda Maendel on Sunday, May 13th, 2012

I got a glimpse of this recently, when we celebrated ‘Sharing Our World’ in Portage La Prair....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog
Warmth, Comfort, Smiles = Lap Quilts
Written by: Linda Maendel on Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

After sewing for more than two months last winter, it was extremely gratifying to see a stack of 250 simple, yet beautifully pieced lap quilts, which the Alzheimer Society distributed to local senior’s homes. Just recently we received thank you notes from Lion’s Prairie Manor and The Douglas Campbell Lodge, both in Portage and Third Crossing Manor in Gladstone, expressing their heartfelt gratitude: “Thank you for participating in this project. You have enhanced the quality of life and brought sm....
Published in: Linda Maendel's Blog