Leisure & Sports
Photo by: Sheri Hofer
Annual charity hockey game between MacGregor Iron Maidens and a female hockey team from a variety of Hutterite Communities. At this year’s game, the Hutterite team came together from eight different communities.
The two sides take turns selecting which charity event to support. The support for the game has grown from year to year and so have the donations.
Final score, overtime win 7-6 for the MacGregor Iron Maidens and a donation of $2,800 was made to the Portage District Hospital Foundation.
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The two sides take turns selecting which charity event to support. The support for the game has grown from year to year and so have the donations.
Final score, overtime win 7-6 for the MacGregor Iron Maidens and a donation of $2,800 was made to the Portage District Hospital Foundation.
Hockey Photo by: Sheri Hofer Annual charity hockey game between MacGregor Iron Maidens and a female hockey team from a variety of Hutterite Communities. At this year’s game, the Hutterite team came together from eight different communities.
The two sides take turns selecting which charity event to support. The support for the game has grown from year to year and so have the donations.
Final score, overtime win 7-6 for the MacGregor Iron Maidens and a donation of $2,800 was made to the Portage District Hospital Foundation. -
Boys on Horses Photo by: -Unknown- For some communities, horses are still a big part of leisure and the work force
Playing in the Sand Photo by: Clint Stahl Everyone who was ever a child can relate to this photo. Kids can spend hours in the sand with only a few toys and an active imagination.
Evening of Volleyball Photo by: Clint Stahl While a select few may still frown at the thought of playing sports, it has become widely accepted among most Hutterite colonies. Volleyball is probably one of the most commonly played during the long summer evenings; a game that can be enjoyed by both young and old.
"Critter Dipping" Photo by: Clint Stahl Most schools typically take students on a year-end field trip. This one included a ride to the Riding Mountain National Park where students got a chance to try their hand at "critter dipping", as the guides called it. It turned out to be quite a bit of fun.
Wholesome Fun Photo by: Kathy Waldner In the eyes of a child a Hutterite colony can be viewed as one gigantic playground: there's always something to see and explore.
Wanna-be Cowboy Photo by: Lisa Waldner Many Darius and Lehrerleut utilize horses for agricultural functions, but the Schmiedeleut primarily keep horses for recreational purposes.
Outdoor Musical Evening Photo by: Lisa Waldner In less conservative colonies, time spent singing gospel and bluegrass songs accompanied by instruments such as accordian, harmonica, guitar and keyboard, is a typical form of Hutterite entertainment.
Graphite Drawing Photo by: Karen Waldner Some colonies offer art lessons to interested members, but many artists among the Hutterites are self-taught.
By the River Photo by: Adam Waldner There are many ways to appreciate the natural settings on the Hof: skipping stones into the river or taking a Sunday evening stroll.
Song of the King Photo by: Butch G. Wipf The young people put on the occasional drama for the benefit of community members.
Clubhouse in the Forest Photo by: Kelly Hofer Each year boys are given a summer job such as being garden helper, taking away grass clippings, or keeping the colony vehicles washed. But they still have plenty of leisure time to build clubhouses in the woods.
Spike Photo by: Kelly Hofer Buem and Diene spend many evenings playing volleyball, where a outdoor court suffices in colonies without a gym.
Lazy Sunday Afternoon Photo by: Lisa Waldner Socializing is a way of life for Hutterites who from their earliest years are exposed to the many different personalities of people in their community. Hosting visitors from other colonies, which occurs most weekends, is a natural extension of communal life.
Dangling Feet Photo by: Kelly Hofer Almost anything can be used as a plaything when you have your group of friends around you.