Friends and Neighbours 2021
Written by: Julian Waldner on Saturday, December 25th, 2021

Hello friends,
Each year around this time, several Hutterite communities across Manitoba will invite their friends and neighbours to their colonies for an evening of music and fellowship. In my own community, Decker Colony, this always takes place on the 27th of December. People start to arrive around 5:00, filling the large lot in front of our colony garage with mini vans and pickup trucks. When our repurposed garage floor–now decked with chairs, carpeting, and a stage–has filled up with people, the evening starts. We always enjoy a supper of ketchup wurst and fresh homemade buns; alongside cookies and hot chocolate. After supper, there will be singing, Christmas plays and more.
In the midst of a global pandemic, our evening, and similar ones held in communities across Manitoba have had to be cancelled. However, we still wanted to do something to reach our to our friends and neighbours–especially in these difficult times. So, this year, we are streaming a virtual Christmas program featuring music, poetry and Christmas messages from Hutterites all across Manitoba and beyond. If you tune in on the link below at Dec. 27th at 6:00 CST you will hear not only the beautiful a cappella choirs that many people associate with Hutterites, but also small groups, solos, duets, instrumental pieces, and more. The song selection is diverse, featuring some traditional carols, alongside contemporary pieces and also a few German songs. While none of our communities can have a Friends and Neighbours evening this year, over 20 different colonies took part in this virtual program!
From all of us to you, we wish you a most blessed Christmas and we hope you can join us on the 27th!
Showing 13 comments
Anthony Thiessen said:
On: 25th Dec, 2021 at 18:20
Thank you for the invite. I look forward to it.
Edward Hofer said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 18:08
I would like to join this event.
Lorraine Wollman said:
On: 25th Dec, 2021 at 22:26
Very awesome idea! Thank you Decker Community
Passionate Ncube said:
On: 26th Dec, 2021 at 22:59
Thank for the invite I will definitely connect virtually
Edward Hofer said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 18:09
Thanks for doing this Decker community.
Larryhofer said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 18:17
Edward said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 18:35
Thank you
Paul Wurz said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 19:12
Thank you for the invitation
Chris Janz said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 19:19
Awesome show. Wish i could play guitar like that. Thanks Decker. God Bless and have a great 2022
Becki Wall said:
On: 27th Dec, 2021 at 20:02
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for the light you bring to the world! God bless you all!
Judith Funk said:
On: 28th Dec, 2021 at 14:09
Thank you for the wonderful outreach. The artistry of the singers, visual artists, and sculptor are all magnificent. It is a wonderful modeling for the young children too. The messages by the pastors were so welcome, timely, and moving. Celebrating the birth of Christ is a gift, one which is a privilege to share.
Thank you for this program, and for all you regularly do in volunteering within the wider Manitoba community. It is especially appreciated by us whose lives have always positively intersected with the Hutterites, primarily in farming, and medicine, but it is also appreciated by those otherwise totally unfamiliar with them.
Lorrie Antonation said:
On: 29th Dec, 2021 at 15:54
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this and lifting spirits during these trying times with the Covid pandemic.Such beautiful voices.
I use to work at Birch Lodge Hamiota and always looked forward to you coming and singing for our elderly. Thank you so much.
Emase Okon Asuquo said:
On: 3rd Jan, 2022 at 03:05
Thanks for the invite